Let “Your Personal Journey” Begin . . .


  WELCOME to the “HOME and Garden of SPIRIT’s LOVE”, where Enlightening Transformations begin!  Exploration, Knowledge, and Empowerment are a few named qualities that will Magically Grow as your Heart Blossoms to its Limitless Potential!  The Goal of SPIRIT’s LOVE ~ Natural Healing & Wellness, LLC is to have you “Leave Your Life Stressors and Emotional Disappointments Behind” ~ allowing room for Life’s Enchantments, as every day is truly a “Celebration” to Experience its Joys.  So . . . Come, Enjoy, and Relax ~ allow your personal “Healing to Begin”, bringing that Joy and Passion back into your Life with Courage, Positive Attitude, and Wonderful Experiences.  Here, you will begin “The Discovery of Your Inner Self”. . . here, “The Answer to All Things is Love”. . . here, you Learn to “Balance Spirit, Mind, Body, and Inner Child”, and most importantly . . . here, you Listen to . . . “The Deepness of Your Heart and Soul” – an article written by me when I was 18.  (See ARTICLES & POEMS).

Heart & Soul Connection


As Reiki Master Teacher, Ordained Minister, Veteran of Metaphysical – Spiritual Studies, Energy and Alternative Therapies, and Hospice Volunteer ~ please allow me to help you “Connect to Your Inner Self”, as all things begin “Within and From the Heart” guided by the Soul.  *** It is your “Birthright to Remember and Awaken to this Knowledge” . . . it is your “Birthright to Live in Joy with No Limitations” . . . it is your “Birthright to Truly Be Happy and Free”! The Questions are:  “Do you Remember? . . . and . . . Do you Believe you Can”? “Believe in the Magic”!  . . . “Believe in the Freedom that Awaits You”!  . . . “Believe in your Path of the Heart”, a poem written by me on 11/11!  (See ARTICLES & POEMS). “One Heart . . . One Spirit . . . One Family!   Heal Yourself . . . Heal Others . . . Heal the World”!  ~  It’s that simple . . . one step, one person at a time bringing Love, Unity, and Harmony of Self that affects all Others! LOGO of SPIRIT’s LOVE represents ~ “One’s Heart, guided by the Soul, on Their Personal Journey to Emotional and Spiritual Mastery by Awakening and Understanding Their Truth and Purpose . . . Awakening to their Inner Transformations of Expanded Consciousness, Manifestation, and Vision ~ taking Flight, Being Free, and Living Life with Unlimited Potential in Endless Joy, Passion, and Abundance ~ Choosing and Living in LOVE versus FEAR”!   “Much Universal Love, and Many Blessings in Support of Your Heart and Soul’s Journey in Discovery of Self ~ the Awakening of Mastering Your Inner Oneness ~ as All Answers are Within.  Are You Ready and Willing to Take your Trip ~ taking Flight of Truth and Freedom”?  ~ Debbie Woodbury ~ “It is Better to BELIEVE than to Disbelieve, in doing so; you bring Everything into Your Realm of Possibility”!   – Albert Einstein –

"Love is Patient"

